the very end of the beginning
Racket sounds off from both ends of the house the heat pump + the refrigerator are rehearsing for their rap group audition for little carnegie playhouse but I'm terrified to let them both in on that lcp has been defunct + dejunked for years my mistake + so whorling out of any control i go into van eyck mode except not by painting detailed pupils into the eyes of pinhead sized figure sitting in boats + floating on calm water but spiraling into the details of guilt shame + other dark human condition type thingies remembering every wrong i have ever done to anyone any thing every mistake + insult to the artistic aesthetic i have ever made every one every single one this goes on for a way too long till this dreaded interior psychotic evil will’s fading + i recover in the early hours from the pain + remember again like all the previous springtimes a portable table will be placed over the heat pump clamped down gingham draped creating an outdoor nook to welcome afternoon tea time + so there in a few weeks the baton will be completely handed over to the fridge + the heat pump will take a long rest from its tireless heating as the fridge takes on labored cooling w/ it’s own brand of ennui whining pitch for attention who knows what these souls think?