
DOM #10 / 1 out of 9

The winter of my discontented heat pump. 

A dream seems like reality as long as we are in it. -Carl Jung

somewhere in November.

Waking this morning i vaguely remember dreaming in darkness the sound of the heat pump invading my consciousness having noised off every half hour or so + the paying of the dreaded utility bill came into my rolling mind condensed along w/ vivid memories of an iron maiden thump thump thumping w/ bruised tar laden lungs w/ distorted breath triggering + shuddering  — oh my — this tactful conditioning we have of a sound modifying itself into our mind that will plummet whatever hope of leveling the playing field for the coming day + as it is barely cold enough outside to leave a watery frost on the inside of the windows that i have quilted over opaque for the rest of the wintery part of the year yet still needing to plant a bit of spring when there is a break to 41 degrees on saturday. 


  1. heat pumps don't work for shit up here when it's -40 f. Spring is a lovely thought

  2. Ha! Always the way. They lie in wait until it's most inconvenient.
