A moment of no-truth.
Overhearing someone heavily editing a photo on a device;
Can you imagine? In the ‘70s - when you just had to take a good shot?
… + in a fabric store hearing someone talking excitedly about a building project. It’s nice to hear someone genuinely thrilled to be sewing.
Life travels along side us + is usually pushing or pulling. The least we can do is stride along - isn't that enough?
i sent a text message that did not get my drift + bounced back spelling options over again + again. i think this is a common plight of folks that can’t get anywhere near the spelling of a word they want to use. i do not like the solution — to only use words you can spell, even though it abbreviates your vocabulary.
exploring exploiting exploding
Splintered dream of a library art session. i get there + kb has already started his genius piece from a broken broom + folded trash he found in the street on his way to class. There is an old friend in class from Germany. i admire the arch that they had just recently reworked. But, is nothing good enough as it is?
Lucid dreaming of appreciating something simply as is.
Thinking of not rethinking schemes to redesign bitterness.
Does all this make sense if read slowly?
Below: Grounds waiting to become grown up paintings.