
For me, organizing thoughts on paper is somewhat of a time waster.

Are memes simply reactions? What’s wrong w/ that word? Noun or adjective? Does each lie one side or the other in meaning? i feel like Gilda’s Emily reporting on news she misunderstands … nevermind.

+ another thing. When people say Meta, i think they are referring to Metta. So this Meta thing - how can you NOT be self aware? Prove it.

Which leads me to this idea; Immediately after a cup of caffeine, i successfully trick myself into believing anything is possible.

Kneecapus jerkum lirberaile.

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- Experimenting w/ piggish prose latin. Upon writing + leaving it for a minute, i’ve no remembrance as to the push. So will leave it to others' imagination.

The wave of easy rider songs are in my head crammed into every turn. The soundtrack playing like a documentary racing through my thoughts.

Bloody ripper of an IDEA;

No matter the why or whose doing it, sometimes all you can do is pray. 

Not w/ words, but w/ actions.

Rest on that.