
Harnett-Hargrove, Harnett, Hargrove

Having a cryptomnesia moment: 

i can always find fault w/ a decision made, because every quandary starts off w/ many angles. Outcome + go. + over time the woven memories of cause + effect have proven to be a graceful acceptance of it all. 

Even dystopian fiction has a very bright future.

The fullness is often overwhelming ... life coming + leaving in a myriad of ways. The drifting, shifting, meandering, forcing of it all. + here I stay … sitting + making marks on a piece of paper ... listening to what they say between the lines + in the shifting of colors. Taking meaning of my sometime random + racing imagination. Finding solace again in the fact that after thinking out all the scenarios i can possibly come up with, i then remember; what WILL happen is something i had not even thought of.

W/ all of the time that has been + will be i find it strange that we are anything anywhere at any time. Synchronicity trips along the path + we call it dancing.

The dance goes on.