Randomness has been the newest normal.
That which you mistake for madness is but an over-acuteness of the senses. -Edgar Allan Poe
Random thoughts + foolish notions:
What would you think of a person who said, I'm an artist, but I'm taking a year off.
Rilke - still living the questions / living questions.
Is it always hard to relate to a complicated person. Nothing as always.
Feeling like i need to be where i’m going to end up. So i can be there a while.
Assumption flying into heaven vs. assumption religious. Everyones guess.
i realized everyone has a thought process that spirals in + me not being able to untie a knot doesn't mean it can’t be. These days i tend to turn everything into a Tarkovsky movie. i jump to explore the spiritual + metaphysical at a slow pace w/ long looks, using the imagery of dreams, nature, + memory.
Jumping into the story - i’m presuming it must be the integral part of a more complete corpus.
The ongoing challenge is to create a something that will make me turn the page, yet keep me looking back to see if i got it right.
Rest on that.
i had lost my notebook, shoes + mis-placed my fancy math text. Frustrated, all i could do was glimpse down the hill over the trees to see the web of streets i needed to navigate to get to the University, + the dreaded class i was late in attending. i ended up cutting through yet another building. Moving higgily-piggily, outrunning my sight i slammed into Andy Warhol. i pardoned + asked him for directions. He responded politely saying this was the symposium building + that they, too, were searching for answers. i inquired if he + the rest of the students were using the correct accent.
As soon as i realized i did not have to play tag, i didn't.