
She dreamed of walking into the surf of the Libyan sea.

Stepping into the water her toes noticed a cold, smooth marble slab. She kicked at the rocky sand. It swirled up under water + materialized another step.

Below that one a step, + another, + another.

Going deeper out she knew she was walking the steps of the grandest home in the village now swallowed up + in ruins, magnified by the water just under her feet.


  1. I was thinking it to be one of the homes of Old Alexandria but I'm too far east, I think...'tis a nice vision you created here...

  2. Hi Jayne--Thanks for stopping in. I'm not caught up on all your(gorgeous!) posts yet, but I will be soon!
    Peace yo.

  3. Wonderful words written (@^.^@)
    Great art :)

  4. It makes me wonder what mysteries she'll find there.

  5. populated no doubt by the richest fish in the sea. Or rotting zombie monsters. Cool...what does come next?

  6. The words and the image fit so well together. You have a unique approach and one which I enjoy very much.

  7. What an Awesome piece of art!!!

  8. Outstanding picture :)

    Your words are deep and, as always, have given me something to think about.

  9. love love love your work!!! so beautiful and inspirational - thanks so much for dropping over to one of my places - and do come again soon! peace - jenean

  10. oh me like this one. makes me think of adventure...

  11. oh, how lovely! it makes me long to hold that book, to touch and smell and caress its pages. how much richer the story would become... thank you so much for sharing your work, i still have miles to go to discover all the hidden treasures here.

    (and also, i am grateful for your appreciation of my work, seeing what you do i am even more honoured!)
