
A human prerequisite is enduring + contending w/ persistent detours of the mind + body.

Harnett-Hargrove, Harnett, Hargrove

Heraclean tasks of the modern world.

1. Capture any solution + wrestle it into reality. 
4. Recognize a nihilistic response + remove the physical challenge that is begging to be violated.
5. Bend two wrongs to make a right.
6. Scare a murder of crows away w/ extraordinary music.
7. Focus your aggressive, uncontrollable humor on a mirror forcing it to reveal itself.
11. Save someone in anguish + then ask if this person has the knowledge you seek.
12. Use a gift as a great persuader.
13. (alternate challenge) Create a shore for Michael to row his boat up on to.



Remembering Regrets: 

i do not remember changing the oil in my car in my 20s. 

Meaningless forced social interaction.

Rhythm grammer.

Appreciation / care / gratitude.

i believe in the practice, the ebb + flow that is working w/in the heart of kindness, there is an easy give + take.

i need to be aware of the compassionate moment to be kind + helpful.

Because of fear, rejection, pick any human condition on this side of the scale. i look away, steer away — instead of walking into someone's life for that moment of need. 

When asked, How are you?

We simply shrug off the kindness by saying, I’m okay. When it is obvious to both that something is at hand.

i read a poem a few days ago about how we are so disconnected, that currently compliments + saying god-bless-you are now a tribal glue, since we no longer hang out around the fire pit + chew bones.

Rest on that.


A simple note in my apologetic conversation remorse way. 
Chopped up + spread over a page w/out much notice.

unable to refuse
you wait
til re-fuse

There is fascination with the sacred; even when it is someone else’s.

i do believe there is an aesthetic difference in essence art + personality art. The unknown always seems more mysterious than it needs to be. When it is not on my mind, it's not mysterious at all.

Yes, that is the mood of the day. It will, as ever, make for interesting conversation.

Time is short, even though one can seem to get a lifetime of work done in an afternoon. The lifetimes, real or imagined, stack up in the corner of my desk. It is hard to be one person when we each are so many. Funny how that time thingy expands + contracts.