trying to play
If it's not killing me, it is helping me. - Shohaku-san
Again i am reminded how well i can cover up my last mistake w/ the next process.
Taking a lit candle into a smaller room creates the illusion of a brighter light. The glow of illumination becomes stronger in a more limited space; brightening the space for inspection + introspection.
Work that's neither pretty, nor thoughtful. But pretty thoughtful.
Broken and broken again,
Still it is there.
Shhh, i'm researching.
Heraclean tasks of the modern world.
Remembering Regrets:
i do not remember changing the oil in my car in my 20s.
Meaningless forced social interaction.
Rhythm grammer.
Appreciation / care / gratitude.
i believe in the practice, the ebb + flow that is working w/in the heart of kindness, there is an easy give + take.
i need to be aware of the compassionate moment to be kind + helpful.
Because of fear, rejection, pick any human condition on this side of the scale. i look away, steer away — instead of walking into someone's life for that moment of need.
When asked, How are you?
We simply shrug off the kindness by saying, I’m okay. When it is obvious to both that something is at hand.
i read a poem a few days ago about how we are so disconnected, that currently compliments + saying god-bless-you are now a tribal glue, since we no longer hang out around the fire pit + chew bones.
Rest on that.
A simple note in my apologetic conversation remorse way.
Chopped up + spread over a page w/out much notice.