
RoM 07 -  #7/9  Underground; Understood 

I’ve known people who have never left the state they where born into. As a soul lying in wait underground to understand the requirements to being reborn. As a real or imagined boundary, roping off the outside world, looking like a mystery of sorts, yet lacking the intrigue to crack the story. As the players in Exterminating Angel can't move past a room that becomes a micrososm. 

I’ve known people that write themselves into corners. In life they pitch a tent in that protection and become both the inmate, and the guard of the castle. Q.E.D. The second renews. Each second. Renews.

The white slashed lines barrel up and are swallowed underneath by the perpetual motion. My hands are on the noon wheel and the 4 o’clock shift.

Today I’m done with throwing something up on the page.


  1. Hmm... this seems SLIGHTLY non-sequitur. Or more than a bit meta.

    Either way, compared what you've been throwing up on the page, this one's a letdown.

  2. I disagree. Not all entries have to be diatribes. I understand the sentiment totally. Sometimes less IS more.
