Erase yourself – i mean, brace yourself.
Shoulds walk in a wide open field - where do they meet? When do they pass on parallel paths never touching? This type of falling is almost a complete time change.
i saw a man of two minds. One wore a hat, the other carried his. Two women balanced baskets on their heads. One full of branches, one full of empty. Though they all walked w/ care + caution. But the empty basketed women walked w/ a bit more confidence.
i admire Bruegel's way letting the viewer discover camouflaged themes in his work. He seems to be busy w/ the embracing the whole catastrophe thingy. The device undercuts the importance of what he believes is important, + so, drives home the importance of what he believes. The smallest detail becomes a crashing glissando that will not be ignored. He has this perfect way of dismantling our minds, to ensure them being built up again w/ crisp sight + fresh response.
Okay, yea, well — i think he's pretty cool.
The inner palette of decay...
His paintings were but the thinnest films of oils and pigments, easily scratched, easily rubbed out, easily smeared, upon wood panels so easily broken and burned. He himself but a sack of blood and bile and choler, fit to burst and leak at any time. And out in the world, evil piled upon evil, with no end in sight.
-Rudy Rucker / Bruegel
Paint what you know is there, not what you see.
- Pablo P