
Disinherit Praise 

Cultivate stamina. 

i believe in a spider check before bedtime. i believe in the music so loud you can feel it. i believe in the drama on the stage. i believe in the colors of a wavelength. i believe that experimenting in other mediums gives energy in your primary work. i believe in stepping out of the usual color box. Again + again. 

 Cease trying to work out everything w/in your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition + inspiration + let your whole life be revelation.
-Eileen Caddy


  1. i agree with experimenting with other mediums...it has helped me immensely. i also love the music loud. nice post.

  2. Conrad Aiken says (somewhere):

    Hang up your soul for the intrusion of the wind.

  3. I believe that this is awesome.

  4. You must have a lot of spiders where you live? I never do a bug check!

  5. I'm into toast art at the moment.

  6. Great quote and I'm continuing to work on the "thinking" aspect before doing, hence my "not showing" what I am working on book wise yet ; (

    Reminds me of the paul simon song: Think Too Much


  7. I keep coming back to this, looking at it and trying to come up with a meaningful comment. I can't think of the words that would do justice to the feeling of mystery I get when I enlarge it as far as it will go and fill my computer screen with it.

  8. Ciao Jayne, I love to use many different media; at the same time....I play one off another, whether it be a sculpture in wax, an oil painting, a watercolour, a found object sculpture or a dead dog with a bologne.tongue for a film... Tutti divertenti!

  9. disinherit praise - yes!

    eileen caddy's quote... YES!!

    this painting is delicious...
