
The tide had just gone out. Walking down to the shore i noticed a gorgeous, colossal sand castle someone was obviously living in. Taking a self guided tour i found it had been designed + outfitted by sculpting sand complete w/ overhead lights down to the tile + fixtures in the bathroom. The designer was dashing about rearranging sand that had drooped + shifted from the ocean seeping in. i asked her why the place was so heavily decorated, when the tide moves + removes things daily. She explained that the owners wanted to learn the art of letting go, only slowly.

hiked under a full moon along the beach, + lay down for a nap near the sandy villa at dawn. The sun was awhile above the horizon when the tide awoke me by sloshing my toes. i looked over in time to see the great mound of sand crumble nobly into the sea. A moment later the face of the woman appeared behind the huge pile, as she raised a shovel + prepared to rebuild.

You’d have to know me better, but this dream seems appropriate just now.

-Retreating Angel


  1. The art of letting go. Why is it such a hard lesson to learn? Sigh.

  2. your story and the picture are mesmerizing:))

  3. Dear Jayne, I love the rich colour of this art piece, and yes indeed letting go and rebuilding a is constant lesson and a continual challenge. I am collapsing one dream today and beginning a new chapter tomorrow.... chi sa che succede? Who knows how it will unfold ,but I have faith....Baci, Lisa

  4. letting go is fine, but there is something to be said for a solid existence...nothing lasts forever, eh?

  5. the art of letting go slowly...i truly love that...

  6. Willow, There-in lies the mystery.

    Lisa, The ground of the board was gold

    Tom, Yes, Is solid ever?

    Thanks for popping in. -J

  7. The layering. The faces hidden. Fantastic.

  8. is she really letting go or clinging onto every fragment? letting go is a difficult task to master, yet so liberating...

  9. Oh my, there is so much here in this post. How can one let go if the same scenario is rebuilt over and over without change. Life is ephemeral. Sometimes you have to move on and move something new.

  10. So beautiful. Thank you! I needed that lesson of letting go and rebuilding.

    I'm so glad you dropped by and pulled me to your work!

  11. The stress of not moving only exaggerated her minds eye flying out over the fabric of the earth.

    I could spend the day reading you, maybe I will...you have a fabulous blog, in fact, it isn't one really, it seems more like your book, your journals almost secret, it all makes me think, a change of pace lately...

    And your art is seductive, beautifully moving ... and at least, at the very least, moved me closer to finishing my own one piece for now... well...maybe

    oh,and thank you for your lovely words over there about the paint loaded palette called a vineyard...beautiful. ♥

  12. this is indeed mesmerizing....... a moonlit beach..beautiful, i could almost smell the wet sandy salt air.. :)and to learn to let go like sand crumbling into the sea.. wouldnt that be bliss? x

  13. Tell me you have a coffee-table book available.

  14. What an interesting dream.

    Renee xoxo

  15. The Sands Of Time Wait For No Man or Women (nor King & Queen)

  16. Well I am thinking that we all have a better chance of letting go when we have no choice in holding on.

    Like the tide taking the castle back.

    This was great! Didn't have the coffee today but this sure stimulated!

  17. Interesting. Learning to let go, or just stubborn? :)

  18. You do amazing artwork and I really like your style of writing.

  19. It reminds me of life...we build and build and consume but in the end it is all a castle in the sand waiting to be washed away...


  20. Ah sounds like a significant dream . I'm having a few of those at the moment. But the tenacity to rebuild is a good character trait.

  21. synchronicity yes.

    letting go slowly, thats a hard grace to learn isn't it?

    S. and I did some battling with sand against the tide on holiday this summer, your dream has so many associations

  22. The I Ching has it "Work on that which has been spoiled". Ah, that's the work of creation.
